School Priorities
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Embed a whole-school approach to reading and phonics.
To improve basic skills in writing through implementation of a consistent method of teaching language.
To develop the leadership culture and structure (to include governance).
To continue to improve the standards of Welsh oracy in nearly all pupils in Welsh stream and the Learner stream.
Further development of the Curriculum for Wales provision tailored to the setting and to ensure appropriate progress for children
Continue to improve the wellbeing of pupils and staff.
Every day at Ysgol Awel y Mynydd is a special day. A school that offers the highest quality education and ensures rich, memorable and varied experiences in a Welsh atmosphere and ethos. We aim to nurture inquisitive minds in a homely, caring and fun environment. We aim to instil confidence and self-esteem in every child, so they leave school as respectful, honest and balanced individuals in our community.
Driving Actions
Over the next five years we will work hard to…
1: Be guided by our values to develop a school with a positive, aspirational culture
Strategic Focus:
Year 1 (2023-2024)
- Attendance
- Behaviour Routines & Interventions
- CPD for support staff
- Set up staff wellbeing team
- Develop a Senior Mental Health Lead for staff
Year 2 (2024-2025)
- Refine the staff well-being offer
- Implement Senior Mental Health Lead action plan
- Clear links created beyond the school that impact on raising aspiration
- Continued focus on raising attendance
Year 3 - Year 5 (2025-2028)
- Investors in People award.
- Embedding and refining targets from previous years.
2: Provide the highest quality teaching and learning for all
Strategic Focus
Year 1 (2023-2024)
- ALN provision in class
- Refine assessment processes and intervention tracking
Year 2 (2024-2025)
- Adoption/development of a More Able and Talented policy.
- Ensure clear challenge for children of all abilities in lessons.
Year 3 – Year 5 (2025-2028)
- Embedding and refining targets from previous years.
3: Create a curriculum that promotes achievement, inclusion and opportunity
Strategic Focus
Year 1 (2023-2024)
- Long term planning for all AoLEs.
- Educational visits planned to support and enhance learning
- Bank of high-quality medium term planning for all AoLEs.
Year 2 (2024-2025)
- Use of school-standard planning format.
- Bank of planning for all curriculum subjects.
- Identification of weaker areas of the curriculum with middle leader focus on addressing these areas.
Year 3 - Year 5 (2025-2028)
- Focus on partnership work which enhances the curriculum offer for our children
4: Be at the centre of our community and a model of excellence for the support we provide to our families
Strategic Focus
Year 1 (2023-2024)
- Welsh language community engagement focus.
Year 2 (2024-2025)
- Increase in family support offer.
- Restructure of the TA team to ensure TA skills are used to benefit children beyond the classroom (e.g., ELSA).
Year 3 - Year 5 (2025-2028)
- Full programme of Family Support available and links with a range of external partners developed and utilised including health and social care
5: Develop the school buildings in an innovative way that enables sustainability, inclusion, staff well-being and community work to be prioritised
Strategic Focus
Year 1 (2023-2024)
- Develop office space for admin staff and leaders.
- Develop PPA spaces for teachers.
- Develop inclusion spaces for children, including sensory and small group spaces.
Year 2 (2024-2025)
- Opening of Gogarth satellite classroom.
- Creation of family support space.
- Audit and create a sustainability action plan.
Year 3 - Year 5 (2025-2028)
- Re-purposing of any vacant spaces based on pupil numbers
6: Build strong leadership structures at all levels that enable effective succession planning
Strategic Focus
Year 1 (2023-2024)
- SLT performance management to be linked to whole school responsibility from SDP.
- Increase knowledge of Governing Body through further school visits and partnership work.
- Middle leader/curriculum team structure to be developed.
Year 2 (2024-2025)
- Ensure SLT take on clear, strategic, whole school roles.
- Restructure the leadership structure of the school whilst ensuring clear accountability for all school development and national priorities.
- Ensure suitable internal development opportunities for all staff to be able to improve their skills and knowledge and be prepared for the next stage of their careers.
- Coaching for senior leaders so they are better able to develop middle leaders.
Year 3 - Year 5 (2025-2028)
- Programme in place for middle leaders and aspiring middle leaders.
- School to become a self-improving organisation, with accountability that secures consistency spread throughout the senior and middle-leadership teams.